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Todo para tu Móvil: Buscador de canciones de música real
Canciones de take me

La más amplia selección de música real para móviles compatibles con sonidos reales

  Todo para tu móvil :: Música real :: Resultado de la búsqueda de: take me
Diviértete descargando en tu móvil canciones de música real, puedes hacer que en tu móvil suene una de estas canciones:  (And She Said) Take Me Now, Can't Take Me Home (Full Track), DJ, Take Me Away (Bulgaria), DJ, Take Me Away (Bulgaria) (Full Track), Here I Am [Come And Take Me], Here I am come and take me, Ia-Ma Cu Tine (Take Me With You), Take Me (Full Track), Take Me Along, Take Me Along (Full Track), Take Me Back, Take Me Back (Full Track), Take Me Back [Sandy Rivera's Original Mix](Full T), Take Me High, Take Me High (Radio Edit) (Full Track), Take Me Home, Country Roads (Full Track), Take me in a highway, Take me on the floor (Full Track), Take Me To A Higher Plane, Take Me To A Higher Plane (Full Track), Take Me To The Clouds Above (Full Track), Take Me To The Hospital (Full Track), Take Me To Your Leader, You Take Me Up (Full Track)

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Curtis Stigers


Los Piratas

Baby Bash

Vocal Tempo

Olavi Uusivirta


Coque Malla


George Michael




Autor Título
Justin Timberlake (And She Said) Take Me Now
Pink Can't Take Me Home (Full Track)
Deep Zone & Balthazar DJ, Take Me Away (Bulgaria)
Deep Zone & Balthazar DJ, Take Me Away (Bulgaria) (Full Track)
Seal Here I Am [Come And Take Me]
UB 40 Here I am come and take me
Yarabi Ia-Ma Cu Tine (Take Me With You)
Marlango Take Me (Full Track)
Miley Cyrus Take Me Along
Miley Cyrus Take Me Along (Full Track)
Satellites & Sirens Take Me Back
Taio Cruz feat. Ke$ha Take Me Back (Full Track)
Kings Of Tomorrow feat. April Take Me Back [Sandy Rivera's Original Mix](Full T)
Dada feat. Estela Martin Take Me High
Dada feat. Estela Martin Take Me High (Radio Edit) (Full Track)
John Denver Take Me Home, Country Roads (Full Track)
Erasure Take me in a highway
The Veronicas Take me on the floor (Full Track)
Kate Nash Take Me To A Higher Plane
Kate Nash Take Me To A Higher Plane (Full Track)
LMC Vs U2 Take Me To The Clouds Above (Full Track)
The Prodigy Take Me To The Hospital (Full Track)
Newsboys Take Me To Your Leader
Thompson Twins You Take Me Up (Full Track)

Además de estos sonidos reales hemos encontrado melodías polifónicas, de "take me" que te mostramos a continuación:


Take me as I am (Faith Hill) Take me out (Franz Ferdinand)
Take me there (Mya y Blackstreet)



  1. gato

  2. perro


  4. sirena

  5. pedo

  6. risa

  7. lobo

  8. pantera rosa

  9. pin

  10. grillo

  11. orgasmo

  12. simpson

  13. Pato

  14. bebe

  15. star wars

  1. take me

  2. Un poquito

  3. santana

  4. mexic

  5. hero

  6. chis

  7. tanto

  8. pec

  9. tormento

  10. Rebeldes

  11. el alma en pie

  12. mina

  13. rapper

  14. diferente

  15. Me duele



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